I find inspiration everywhere and below are a few examples, starting with nature.

Detail of moss depicted in the paper shown above.

A different kind of moss.

Detail from paper shown above.

Moss & Granite.

Detail from paper shown above, note the droplet of water.

Antique papers are a good source of ideas.

Detail from paper shown above.


Detail from paper shown above.

Old textiles can be a great source of motivation too.

Tree peonies 1.


Bubbles in ice. I have many ice inspired choices.

Detail from paper shown above.


The following examples are created from our sample boards of faux finishes.
Malachite with color change.

Acid etched silver leaf.

Acid etched dutch metal (light)

Detail from paper shown above. (dark)

Etched gold-silver.

Acid etched dutch metal.

Cupric acid etched silver leaf.

Eggshell crackle.

Detail from paper shown above.

From a faux agate.

2-Etched dutch metal with color change.

Detail from paper shown above.

Antique tapestries are fantastic.

Detail from paper shown above.

Stork & Lion

Detail from paper shown above.



Detail from paper shown above.

Bronze wings with verdigris.

Detail from paper shown above.

I have found revelation even in the kitchen, below are creations from fresh baked bread crust. They are rather South Western in feel.

Old stencils from the California Missions.



Organic Star

Detail from paper shown above.


Detail from paper shown above.


Detail from paper shown above.

Abstract paint splatter.

Detail from paper shown above.

I would love your feedback, tell me what you are visually stimulated by. I will translate it into a wallpaper.
How do I get pricing? Can you email me at hw_idesign@yahoo.com
Hi- I LOVE the moss looking wallpapers at the top of this page. How can I purchase from you? My contact info is ambermartindale@hotmail.com, or 281-772-3908.
I have responded privately to all who have asked about purchasing wallpapers, but it has slowly dawned on me that I should respond here too. All our wallpapers are custom & so it is hard to give a flat rate price for all. Please feel free to contact me by email or phone about any specific wallpaper. You can see our wallpapers and find contact information at the bottom of every page, at http://www.zoe-design.com/wallpaper/. Thanks for your interest, Doug